Tuesday 13 August 2019

Just Do It!

How many times do you have a fit of enthusiasm for some hobby time, only to it down and suddenly all of your mojo flitters away leaving you sat slumped shouldered and fed up?

What about when the 'new shiny' syndrome hits and figures are bought at a show. You rush home full of expectation, sit at your hobby desk, only to find  yesterdays project sitting in the way. So you clear that away to make room, promising to yourself that you'll get back to it later. Several years later you find that long forgotten project in the dark recesses of your cupboard, unloved and unwanted.

Or, you sit down wanting to crack on with a new painting technique you've just read about on the internet only to find either you have no figures prepped for painting, or that they are undercoated in white and the new technique calls for zenithal highlighting over a black undercoat.

Then there's that time when your enthusiasm is positively spilling over. You've got a clean jar of water. Paper towel to the side. A new fangled wet palette to try out. Your figures primed 'on trend'. Your brushes have a perfect tip that will be perfect for the smallest detail. This is it! Your ready to crack on with your British for your long dreamt of Napoleonic project.

 Now, where's that bottle of Scarlet from Vallejo. A rummage through your paints finds Pure Red. No. Not right at all. Carmine Red? Too light. Cavalry Brown? No, that's from when you were painting in the Dallimore way. You're a basecoat and wash man now. Blood Angels Red? Don't be daft, you're a serious historical gamer. Ah, there it is. Scarlet Red. You give it a shake. Mmmm. Doesn't seem like there's much in the bottle. You squirt out a mixture of air bubbles and that creamy medium with a spot of red in it. Never mind, you know you bought a new bottle at the last show. But where is it?

3 hours later, you've given up and gone back downstairs in a huff to read the latest polemic on TMP.

My advice? Just get on with it. Those figures aren't going to paint themselves. 10 minutes a day yields suprising results. And if you cant find your Scarlet Red, well, Blood Angels Red is pretty close and you're going to splash Nut Brown all over it anyway - so Just Do It!

More soon...and remember, keep talking about six.

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